Saturday, September 1, 2012

Sulfur Challenge 2012

So I love a great challenge but i'm new to the world of using sulfur to make my hair grow so I decided to join a sulfur challenge on Long Hair Care Forum. If you read the first post in the challenge you will find recipes, as I stated in the second post, I will be using Njoy's recipe but I tweaked it a little to fit what I had on hand.

My Recipe:
1 tsp Sublimed Sulfur Powder
2 oz Jojoba Oil
3 oz Castor Oil
2 oz Extra Virgin Olive Oil(EVOO)
4-5 drops Rosemary Oil
4-5 drops Peppermint 

 *A little bit of the Rosemary oil and Peppermint oil goes a long way.* 
Because the challenge starts 9/1/12 I relaxed on 8/24./12, 8 days before to give my hair a scalp a break. Sulfur will burn your scalp if you use it too soon after a relaxer or relax too soon after using it.

My Regimen:
Use mix 3 times a week at night
Cowash in the mornings after using mix.
Shampoo/DC twice a week
Moisturize everyday
I will still take my multivitamin and biotin 

A few tidbits:
-Be careful about how much you use. No one wants oil running down their face so its best to do this at night and cover with a plastic bag to save your pillow. This also saves your jewelry.
-As far as shampoo goes I plan to alternate between my ORS Creamy Aloe shampoo(clarifying) and my Aphogee Balancing Moisture. Using a clarifying shampoo removes product build up.
-I will not be using heat during this challenge

What I Bought and Where:
  • Sublime Sulfur- Humco sulfur sublimed powder USP - 12 oz
Amazon was the only place I could find with it but I read that you could order it from CVS Pharmacy.
  •  Jojoba Oil- You can get this at just about beauty supply store.      
  • Castor Oil- I bought mine from Walgreens. Walgreens Castor Oil  
  • EVOO- This came from Walmart and is the Great Value brand.Great Value: 100% Extra Virgin Olive Oil, 51 Oz      
  • Rosemary Oil- I got this from my local GNC.        
  • Peppermint Oil- Mine came from Walmart and this can be found at any store that carry food
  • Now® Peppermint Oil - NNF - GNC     

Starting Pic- 

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