Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Why I Relax

My blog is in no way  bashing naturals because I've tried it. There seems to be a war between relaxed and natural heads. Now I've been relaxed all my life, I think I was 2 years old when I had my first one. I remember sitting in the chair for hours as my mom did my hair- I hated it!! I always put up a fuss when it was time for a relaxer. As I got older I started to see how mean children could be when it comes to appearance. I would get picked on because my hair wasn't straight enough.

Through out middle school and high school, I wore my hair in braids but its wasn't until starting collage that I realized it was OK to be nappy. That lasted for a few months. My hair wasn't even fully natural because I never did the big chop1. My roots got out of control and my hair started to shed- I had enough and finally relaxed. I don't think my hair has ever been through so much trauma before. Like I said, I'm not knocking naturals but it isn't for me or my hair. I do what is best for 'her'. If you follow my journey you will see its possible to grow healthy hair that is relaxed.

1- Big Chop: the process of cutting hair to the new growth to remove any trace of chemicals.

1 comment:

  1. How interesting. War between relaxed & naturals? Who knew? I must live in a bubble; I hadn't a clue. Two years old when you got your first relaxer; that's quite young, so it's understandable that you'd prefer to be relaxed...it's kind of what you know (if you will).

    My parents had to be talked into allowing me to get relaxed once I hit 9th grade, so I got a "healthy" taste of both worlds; I remembered how to manipulate the natural hair once I returned to it.

    I always had healthy "looking" long hair when I was relaxed. Not sure how truly healthy anything can be once a harsh chemical is applied to alter it's natural state, but one can certainly have dynamite looking hair regardless. I know I did. LOL I was hair obsessed then just like I am now. O.o

    Anyway, I got bored with it; it was long hair (mid back/bra strap length). I grew tired of the style options; although I had many, it still wasn't as versatile, so I just STOPPED. Next thing I know, I was transitioning.

    Indeed the transition period was very difficult, because I was dealing with 2 textures that are to be cared for differently. The point where the 2 textures meet is delicate, & vulnerable to breakage; I didn't understand this then. The trick was not to use a comb, but to use other styling tools & incorporate other ways to detangle. Or, to simply big chop and move on with the rest of my life. I did a combo of both. LOL

    My hair's longer than it's ever been. Now, I have about 4 more inches before it's butt/lower waist length.

    Anyway, thanks for sharing, and thanks for "listening". I stumbled upon your blog and decided to stop in to drop some paragraghs. LOL

    Be Blessed ; )
